As a mom of two girls, I have watched Alice and Wonderland multiple times. It’s a wacky show….. I like the Johnny Depp version. I think that he is able to really portray his part in a way that no one else could ever do. Most of Disney movies make a little more sense to me and I am able to follow but this one was unexpected. In learning more about the writers, Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson and the Reverend Robinson Duckworth the story was written for 3 little girls and the original was added to for publishing. The most notable additions were the Mad-Hatter Tea Party and the Cheshire Cat. I don’t know about you but those two subjects were what I remembered most.
Crazy, I know, why is Alice and Wonderland important to the business world? And what’s the point? Good questions and I will get right to it. The writers actually had a couple of versions of this story and over time the added to it for various reasons. Whatever the reason, it became better and better as they allowed their creative juices to flow. Innovation isn’t just for story tellers or computer developers; it’s for everyone who dares to think different. Steve Job’s had a whole marketing campaign centered on just “Think Different” and he changed the face of so many industries. Pixar was a fledgling company before Steve and now they rival Disney Pictures.
So business owners that build on and keep expanding in knowledge, skill and innovation will always thrive, in fact, it is a must to even survive in this day in age. You can’t keep with the same status quo! You must change your story over and over again to keep yourself relevant to the ever changing audience.
Accounting is no different! If you are still writing checks, filing invoices or mailing out documents we need to talk about all the wonderful options you have right at your fingertips!
Now is the time to “Think Different”!