Change is Never Easy

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Change is Never Easy


Time for ChangeSmall businesses more than ever should be considering new ways and ideas of how they do business and account for it as well. We live in an ever changing world and unfortunately many people remain stuck in old ways of doing things. Why? Because change is never easy and it causes uncertainty and fear that many would like to avoid at all costs.

Here are some tips on how to start your change adventure.

  • Look for new opportunities that will also increase your revenue. Pay attention to what your customer’s pain points are and come up with new services that will help them. You’re the hero because you were willing to look at a problem and solve it.
  • Stand back and say why I am doing this task this way. It takes time to do this and that is severely lacking in most companies. Many just don’t have the time. So make time to discover new ideas so you can try out new ways of doing things.
  • Start small. Take a task such as how you on-board your customers or even how you answer the phone and see if there is a better way of doing it. Build on that and find something a little bigger next time. Small things generally make a big difference.
  • Analyze a process. Analysis is totally underrated. Sometimes reviewing your accounting will show you big issues that you are missing. Maybe you are more profitable at one thing or another but haven’t done the Change Aheadanalysis to find out.

At GMLCPA we stop, look, analyze regularly with our customers to help them see all the changes they could be doing to implement new ways of doing things. Change is constant and never easy and can be overwhelming but if you start small it’s not so bad.

By | 2013-05-30T13:33:06+00:00 May 30th, 2013|Business Advice, Our Services|Comments Off on Change is Never Easy

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