

10933325_sI am a firm believer in a couple of things.


If you keep doing what you always do, you get the same results you always have.

Life is too short to keep doing things that aren’t working.

Your business and life changes constantly. I think now more than ever I struggle to keep up with the day to day and try to decide; what is important, what is priority? The rat race keeps getting faster.

What hasn’t changed is what you need to keep yourself running at top speed.

I just got back from our book launch of “Behind Your Brand: Expert Edition” in Dallas at the end of October. The very next day I had a cold…. and this continued on for another week. I did my best to keep going at my normal speed but to be honest my heart wasn’t in it. I was sick.

I found myself hole-dwelling which is a joke between me and my friend Wanda. I do have brief times where I need to recoup and so I retreat. I hole-dwell until I can catch my breath, get some new perspective and get going again. I think I have always functioned like this and I honestly believe it’s something I naturally do for mental health. I also do it to escape big important decisions.

The purpose behind this post is two things. First, as a business owner you have to be in a healthy place to make decisions and drive your business. Second, you need to realize that there are times you avoid making decisions and that it may be because you haven’t been able to get perspective.

Its okay to wait a little while but avoiding life and hard decisions is not going to move you to success. Its going to stall you.

You must DECIDE.14665515_s

Take a minute with me prior to scurrying off to the next event and DECIDE what you want in:

Your personal life Your business life Your health Your relationships!

DECIDE on just one thing in each area and write it down. Be specific.

On the road to all your hopes and dreams its so important to stop and smell the roses once a while. The most successful people have a very good mental health routine and they take the time to breath, pray and just be. They sleep and eat healthy and all these things take time. They plan and decide on what’s important.

So, today my hope for you is to DECIDE on just a few things that will help you be more mentally clear. Stop the rat race and breath.

By | 2015-12-18T17:46:55+00:00 December 18th, 2015|Blog, Business Advice|Comments Off on Decide.

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