Milestones….. A Major Life/Business Milestone

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Milestones….. A Major Life/Business Milestone

Gabby's 40th birthday


This weekend I celebrate my 40th Birthday. It is a major milestone in my life. At the beginning of the month I started to think about how to celebrate all the wonderful things that have happened in my life, who has been major players, learning opportunities and maybe a few failures. I guess the age, maybe the realization of getting older, may cause many to have the proverbial “mid-life crisis” go buy a sports car, dye their hair or get a face-lift. I have to admit that I felt for a split second a feeling of dread and angst… but then decided to throw that out the window and focus on what I can do in the future.

So here it goes… there are a few things I am going to focus on as a person and a business owner going forward.

1. Inspiring others. There is much to be said about being around someone who inspires and energizes. I want to change people’s perspectives, move my generation and others to greatness and offer a soft place of love and compassion when it’s hard.

2. Tackle fear. It’s okay to have fear but do it anyway. Most people are scared and most people stay that way and then regret it later. Don’t let fear rob you of your potential.

Celebrating Gabby's birthday

3. Be strategic. Think of all your time, energy, and resources. These are all limited. You do have only 24 hours in a day, you are a human being and your brain can only contain so much. What is not limited is how you strategize to use these resources better. Mindless activity is not strategic activity and it’s a waste.

4. Connections. I desire connections. I want to see that I am making a difference in people’s lives and sometimes you only find out if you have a particular person willing to say something or if you ask. I am going to start asking people. I bet I have more good feedback than bad but whatever bad there is, I can always work on and do better the next time.

5. Realistic expectations. I am not super-woman. I cannot solve everyone’s problems nor can I be a doormat. I am the hardest on myself and sometimes too hard. Today’s world is so much faster and demanding than ever before and it’s easy to feel like you can’t keep up. Honestly, if you look around and you’re giving it your best shot you are leaps and bounds ahead of everyone else. Why are you comparing yourself anyways?

So, as I come to a close of my 39th year and start my 40th I have to say I am excited! I hope that I am a better woman the next 40 years of my life and can continue to add value to others every day.

How did turning 40 change your life for the better?

By | 2013-06-21T23:25:34+00:00 June 21st, 2013|Blog, Business Advice|3 Comments

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  1. diane blumenthal June 24, 2013 at 1:58 pm

    40 huh? I turned 60 last Thursday.
    Such wisdom from one soo young…you must be an old soul
    happy Birthday G

  2. Andrea Ellis July 11, 2013 at 7:30 pm

    Happy Birthday Gabby! So inspiring….

  3. Michael & Andrea Mozolik July 12, 2013 at 6:47 am

    Greetings Gabrielle,
    Andrea and I wish you a very happy birthday!
    You have already touched both of us with each one of your 5 action items. I am sure you are an inspriation to many.
    Enjoy your special day!
    Michael & Andrea Mozolik

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